The Mark of the Claw [Grabham / Reid]

The Royd Sisters [UK / US]

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Paula Royd
Sam Cameron, voice, instrumental sounds

Emmaline Royd
Larry 'Cerdes' Pennisi, instrumental sounds

Iconic band The Royd Sisters return after a long hiatus (ie rehab). After a few low-key warm-up gigs (mainly corporates for Moldavan cabbage-fermenting trade associations) they ventured into the studio for this cover version of their idols' most-loved track. The recording was done using mobile facilities on the back of their step-father (Ken 'The Ferret')'s recovery Ken's mobile recording facilityvehicle in Bradford, West Yorkshire using only the finest hand-selected traditional local electricity. All sounds were generated using the pink Barbie synth keyboard modded by their tech, Ronnie Shufflebotham. The mic used for the vocals was a Karaoke mic stolen by Emma from Poundland when her probation officer was on holiday.

Many people have wondered how two such vile former ram-raiding and twoc-ing delinquents acquired such exquisite musical brilliance. The most popular theory is that their mother Asa was no stranger to the dressing-room doors of several major bands and that these are in fact half-sisters as she wanted to spawn from a guitarist and a keyboardist. Primary Royd Synthesis System: far too complex to explain when dealing with the limited mentality of their fans, sorry.When she can be tempted out from her reclusiveness she denies this wholeheartedly, though she will admit that the girls were born during her residence in neo-Wiccan cult ‘The Church of the Fourth Omitted Apostrophe’ from which she was later ousted by maverick genius Willy ‘The Engineer’ Foalsnatcher Jr who has on several occasions claimed to be their real father. Copies of a bootleg song by the girls about this sinister organisation has been circulating on eBay amongst rabid fans for tens of cents.

Whatever may be the case both sisters agree that this version of The Mark of the Claw was inspired by their love both of the Procols and of Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. They still can not understand why Paul Anka (the man whose face they most adore) has not covered it on his Rock Swings album. © Press Office: Bad Girls Management Agency – all rights reserved.

There is a rumour that the work was in fact composed mainly on FL Studio and sequenced in Making Waves. This rumour goes on to claim that the microphone was a Sennheiser Evolution, the sax sounds were made using Saxlab VST and the other horn and keyboard sounds were mainly (SF2) soundfonts. Some versions claim there is a Hohner student melodica on this (probably the orange one) despite the fact that the current recording contract states NO real instruments are to be used.


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