The Doubtful Guests [UK] |
Left to right: Jane Clare – backing voices; Pam Kaye – too many women; Stephen 'Doc' Wallace – lead voice |
RC: this re-think of a favourite song from Home came to mind on a holiday in Prague, where the only listening in the flat I'd borrowed was endless Pet Shop Boys CDs. I fancied a rhythmic chant with some Northern vowels in it, but beyond that any PSB influence surely got washed away as various Procol themes took over during the overdubbing process (all audio, no MIDI). I 'grew up' on Akai and Tascam tape-machines with the idea that sound-on-sounding should imitate a real band playing, one musician per track: on that basis, there are forty-one players on this song – eight of them Pam chanting. Listeners with X-ray ears may notice a sound-clip borrowed from an early Procol album as well as the more obvious thematic filchings. |
Piano: RD 600 |
Main vocal recorded using Rode NT1 vocal mic |
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